9:00 am to 18:00
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GR :003022 4122120
Visit our offices
Alia Luxury Suites Haraki Rhodes 85102, Dodecanese Greece
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09:00 to 18:00



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We are open

We have a long history of proven skills and excellent results. Algoos Started in 2006 as a marketing and management consultancy office assisting companies to achieve their financial targets.


Algoos Recruitment expands to Spain starting cooperation with Iberostar hotels and Playasol in the Balearic islands

New office in Portugal

Algoos opens its third office in Portugal Coimbra starting servicing hotels all over the country and cooperating with more than 40 universities all around.

1st Development Project

Algoos accepts its first project constructing and managing A hotel in Rhodes Island Greece. Alia Luxury suites was completed in 4 months and it was up and running as scheduled.

Algoos Consulting

Algoos makes a complete team of professionals aiming to offer complete hotel consulting services.

Starting the Recruitment department

Algoos Starts its recruitment and human resources department for businesses in Rhodes island Greece